Meme (Image Macro)

A template invoking image macros, complete with Impact font.


512px x 512px


Name Description Default
top_text Top text for the meme "Top Text"
bottom_text Bottom text for the meme "Bottom Text"
background Image of the meme (URL or local path.) Mona Lisa
custom_css Custom CSS; refer to the raw template for HTML elements. Empty

Example Usage

(note: due to file-size [about 500KB per image], the images included on this page have been compressed using TinyPNG)

Set up imgmaker:

from imgmaker import imgmaker

i = imgmaker()

No configuration:


Change the text. Thanks to the underlying Google Chrome and Bulma, text will wrap correctly!

    {"top_text": "World's Most Famous Portrait",
     "bottom_text": "Now a test case for a random Python app"

Hack This Template!

You can change the font via CSS (to a system-installed font), plus other hacks!

This code also reproduces the image used in the repo README.

    {"top_text": "World's Most Famous Portrait",
     "bottom_text": "Now a test case for a random Python app",
     "custom_css": "body {-webkit-text-stroke: 0.5px red; transform: skew(.312rad); text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px blue;}"